Monday, August 10, 2009

Multi-Language Dictionary Forum Has Moved

The Multi-Language Dictionary Forum has moved from Toronto, Ontario, to Houston, Texas; this is the first stage in getting my Thai software site off of the expensive Canadian server and onto the cheap US one, which is where all my other sites are hosted. The new address of the forum is:

I have been working on Speak Easy Thai and MLD Web Update, and will be uploading new versions of these shortly. The new MLD Web Update supports the Texas server, and does so without using Microsoft's crappy Internet subroutines which were introduced in IE4. This version of Web Update replaces those subroutines with lower-level, and IE-independent, Windows Sockets subroutines.

BTW, IE7 and IE8 don't use those IE4 subroutines either. And on my computers, IE8 has black areas in the menu area of the browser window, proof that Microsoft has once again released software without fully testing it. The black areas show up when you don't use the cartoonish XP or Vista interface and have Windows desktop set to the Classic or Custom theme.

I will be sending out a general announcement to everyone on my mailing lists when these two updates are ready. Sphere: Related Content