Monday, February 12, 2007

Loving by the rules

The Culture Ministry [of Thailand] has launched the '10 Commandments of Love' in an attempt to prevent teenagers getting too carried away on Valentine's Day. They are:

1. Love with patience, so as not to become a premature parent

2. Truly love only one person

3. Love with mercy, trying not to hurt the one you love

4. Carefully love to avoid taking risks that might lead to contracting sexual diseases

5. Love with honour, waiting until the proper time to have sex

6. Love in accordance with custom

7. Love reasonably, not taking sexual advantage of your lover

8. Love permanently, without defaming the one you love

9. Love honestly, believing in your partner

10. Love with understanding, forgiveness and without anger

Culture Minister Khunying Khaisri Sri-aroon said the initiative followed research suggesting that teenagers have premature sex, more than one partner and live together without commitment. "The commandments remind them that real love does not mean sex," she said.

Dr Amornwit Nakhonthap, director of Ramjitti Institute, said society should allow teenagers the space to learn about loving, and the best way to persuade them to be morally upright was to rely on sensible pressure from their peers.

--The Nation 2007-02-12

I read elsewhere that some Thai people are upset that Valentine's Day is observed at all, because it is a western concept, not a part of Thai culture. But I personally have noticed that many Thais, both male and female, think it's a great idea, and do give gifts and/or flowers to their honey and to their boss and friends. It seems to be more of a "day of honour and respect" than a "day of love". Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

thailandchani said...

If they can keep that perspective, I guess it must be okay. Still, it is a good idea to keep some moral perspective rather than just emphasizing the commercial aspects.

I dunno. Not a big fan of that holiday taking root in Thailand.



