Saturday, April 7, 2007

Thailand Travel Dictionary

I met with a Belgian named Yves Masure yesterday, along with Kanokporn Boonjan, the Managing Director of Thai Culture Publishing. Yves has been working on an encyclopedic reference or guide to Thailand and Thai culture for 9 years, and produced a CD-ROM and web site called THAILEX. It's now in its fourth incarnation.

Yves demonstrated his CD; it's pretty good, very impressive, has lots of stuff I not only didn't know, but have never heard of.

The information is primarily arranged like a dictionary or encyclopedia, in alphabetical order. There are several indexes, including a photo index. There are hundreds of photos.

But here's the kicker: there are actually 3 guides on the same CD, as he has the same information in English, Dutch, and Thai. Yves is fluent in Thai and did all the translation himself. So if you have a Thai partner, both can make use of the CD.

Kanokporn and Yves came to an agreement, so Thai Culture Publishing is now acting as his agent to distribute the CD within Thailand and via the Internet to the world.

You can see it here. Sphere: Related Content

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